Fair Trade Policy and Ethical Commitment

The principles governing Royal Alpaca Ltd. commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility include: good faith in relationships with stakeholders and society at large; an ongoing dialogue with our Employees, Business partners, Suppliers, Customers and social organisations; and, finally, transparency in our business activities generally, and, specifically, in the development of our sustainability strategy.

Internal Code of Conduct gives us a framework for action and influences all of our activities in manufacturing, distribution and sales worldwide.

Fair Prices for the entire business chain, from materials that are processed for our products until the customer receives the product in the comfort of their Company.

Royal Alpaca Ltd. was one of the first Peruvian companies to adopt a Model of Sustainability and Ethical Commitment.
We believe that in the course of doing business, Royal Alpaca Ltd. must implement sustainable development standards that promote environmental protection, ensure that resources are properly managed and meet society's needs.

To put these goals into practice, we are committed to complying with and enforcing compliance with the following principles, which define our environmental policy:

1- We are committed to taking environmental issues into account when planning and carrying out our activities and those of our business partners, and encouraging environmental awareness among employees, suppliers and the public.

2- We are committed to compliance with the environmental laws that govern our activities, along with any obligations which may be implemented in the future. We will work hard to prevent the enviromental pollution.

3- Other efforts are geared towards achieving constant improvements to our Management System, to enhance its usefulness and improve on our efficient use of resources.

4- We make sure that all of our employees and the public are notified of this policy, establishing open lines of communication with government authorities, local communities and other stakeholders.
All products of animal origin sold in our website, including fur and leather, come exclusively from farm-reared animals raised for food and never from animals sacrificed exclusively for their fur or skin.

Code of conduct for suppliers

Royal Alpaca Ltd. shall not allow any form of forced or involuntary labour in the production centres and/or facilities of its suppliers and their subcontractors.

Suppliers and their subcontractors may not require their employees to make any kind of “deposits”, nor are they entitled to retain their identity papers.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall acknowledge the right of their employees to leave their employer after reasonable notice.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall not employ minors. The Peruvian legislation defines minors as those persons under the age of 18.

Where the existence of any form of child labour is detected in the production centres and/or facilities of Suppliers and their subcontractors, protocols designed for the suppression thereof must be applied, and educational programmes ensuring the suppression of any form of exclusion of minors until they attain the minimum labour age required must be developed.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall not apply any type of discriminatory practice as regards the recruitment, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination of the employment agreement or retirement, based on race, caste, creed, nationality, religion, age, physical or mental disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation and/or union membership or political affiliation.
Suppliers and their subcontractors shall ensure that their employees, without distinction, have the right of association, union membership and collective bargaining. No retaliation may arise from the exercise of such right and no remuneration or payment whatsoever may be offered to the employees in order to hinder the exercise of such right.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall adopt an open and collaborative attitude towards the activities of Trade Unions.

Workers´ representatives shall be protected from discrimination and shall be free to carry out their representative functions in their workplace.

Where the Rights to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining are restricted under Law, the appropriate channels to ensure a reasonable and independent exercise of such rights must be designed.
Suppliers and their subcontractors shall treat their employees with dignity and respect. Under no circumstances shall physical punishment, sexual or racial harassment, verbal or power abuse or any other form of harassment or intimidation be permitted.
Suppliers and their subcontractors shall provide a safe and healthy workplace to their employees, ensuring minimum conditions of light, ventilation, hygiene, fire prevention, safety measures, and access to a drinking water supply. Workers shall have access to clean toilets facilities and drinking water. Where necessary, facilities for food storage shall be provided.

Accommodation, where provided, shall be clean and safe.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall take the required steps to prevent accidents and injuries to health of their workers, by minimizing as much as possible, the risks inherent to work.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall provide their workers with regular training in the matter of health and safety at work. The company shall keep an appropriate record of the training courses done.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall appoint a person in charge of health and safety within the Management, duly authorised and with the appropriate decision taking power.
Suppliers and their subcontractors shall provide a safe and healthy workplace to their employees, ensuring minimum conditions of light, ventilation, hygiene, fire prevention, safety measures, and access to a drinking water supply.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall ensure that wages paid for a standard working week shall meet at least the minimum legal or collective bargain agreement, whichever is higher. In any event, wages should always be enough to meet at least the basic needs of workers and their families and any other which might be considered as reasonable additional needs.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall not proceed to any withholdings and/or deductions from wages for disciplinary purposes, nor for any reasons other than those provided in the applicable regulations, without the express authorisation of workers.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall provide all workers with: written and understandable information about their wages conditions upon their recruitment, and information about the particulars of their wages every time that these are paid.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall also ensure that wages and any other allowances or benefits are paid on time and rendered in full compliance with all applicable laws and specifically, that payments are made in the manner that best suits the workers.
Suppliers and their subcontractors shall adjust the length of the working day to the provisions of the applicable laws or of the collective bargain agreement for the sector in question, should this latter afford greater protection for the workers.

At no event shall Suppliers and their subcontractors require their employees to work, as a rule of thumb, in excess of 48 hours a week and workers shall be granted at least one day off for every 7 calendar day period on average.

Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed 12 hours per week, shall not be demanded on a regular basis and shall always be compensated at a premium rate, pursuant to the provisions of the prevailing regulations in force.
Suppliers and their subcontractors shall be duly committed at all times to protect the environment and shall comply, at least, with the standards and requirements of the applicable Local and International Laws and Regulations.
Suppliers and their subcontractors undertake that all the employment formulas they use are part of the ordinary labour practice and the applicable local laws.

Suppliers and their subcontractors shall not impair the rights of workers acknowledged under the labour and social security laws and regulations by using schemes of: subcontracting, homeworking, training and apprenticeship contracts or any other like formula which prevents promotion of regular employment in the framework or regular employment relationships.

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